Slip & Fall/Premises Liability

If you have suffered a fall while on a someone else’s property, you may be eligible to file a claim for financial compensation for your medical expenses, pain and suffering and more. In Florida, property owners have a duty to keep their property safe and clear of all known hazards to prevent injuries to their customers or invitees. All property owners in Florida who are allowing others onto their property are subject to this duty of care. Whether your injury occurred in a small house party or a large commercial retail store, you may be entitled to financial compensation for the injuries you sustained due to the property owner’s negligence.

Overall, falls are the cause of about 1/3 of all spinal cord injuries in the United States and they commonly lead to long lasting and painful back conditions. In addition, if your head struck anything during the fall you may have sustained a concussion or other more serious traumatic brain condition. If you have been injured while on the property of another, contact the slip and fall attorneys at Lopez DeFilippo today and lets us apply our knowledge and experience to work for you.  

What to do if you slip and fall at a store?

  1. Let a store employee know about your fall. The store should create an incident report to send to their insurance company or risk management department.
  2. If you are injured, call for medical attention or ask a store employee or nearby witness to call for you. It is important that you receive treatment to start the recovery process and document your injury.
  3. Get the names and contact information of witnesses and store employees who were working at the time. Do not rely on the store’s internal incident report to provide all the information.
  4. If possible, take pictures of the scene and your injuries. Try to photograph whatever caused you to fall (i.e. liquid on the floor, or the rolled up floor mat). Also, try to photograph or document the location of any surveillance cameras that may have captured your fall.
  5. Consult with an experienced premises liability attorney. Calling the premises liability attorneys at Lopez & DeFilippo can drastically affect your chances of recovering the full amount you may be entitled to. Large corporations and their insurance companies have teams of lawyers ready to defend them, but you don’t have to face them alone. Our premises liability attorneys have the knowledge and resources to effectively investigate and advocate for you. Call our office today and put our knowledge and experience on your side.

Why hire Lopez & DeFilippo? Our premises liability attorneys are committed to providing comprehensive personalized representation and we have the resources and skills to aggressively fight to recover the compensation you deserve.

What is a contingency fee? It’s simple, you don’t pay us anything unless we secure a financial recovery in your case.