Domestic Violence In Florida, “Domestic violence” is defined as any assault, aggravated assault, battery, aggravated battery, sexual assault, sexual battery, stalking, aggravated stalking, kidnapping, false imprisonment, or any criminal offense resulting in physical injury or death of one family or household member by another family or household member. FL ST § 741.28 Miami Domestic Violence Criminal Defense Domestic Violence crimes are serious, and they come with long lasting consequences. An arrest, and especially a conviction, for a domestic violence crime can negatively affect your life in multiple ways including the loss of access to your own home, the loss of your job, and/or the inability to obtain custody of your children. During our time at the Miami-Dade State Attorneys Office, we investigated and prosecuted countless domestic violence cases ranging from simple battery to attempted murder. Let us use those years of experience to provide you with a superior defense if you have been wrongfully accused of domestic violence of any kind. In addition to defending domestic violence charges, our firm may also be able to assist you with the following: Modification Of Stay Away Orders and Injunctions/Restraining Orders Miami Domestic Violence Victim Representation If you are currently experiencing violence, threats, harassment, stalking or destruction of your personal property, let us use our years of experience in pursuing justice for victims to aggressively and effectively advocate for your rights and protection. We will investigate the threats or harassment you are facing and reach out to the appropriate police departments to initiate a criminal investigation. Additionally, the attorneys at Lopez and DeFilippo may be able to file a petition for an injunction for your protection. If you are currently a victim, you do not have to face it alone. Call the attorneys at Lopez and DeFilippo and get the experience of a former prosecutor on your side.