Misdemeanor Offenses These charges are the lowest level crimes in the State of Florida. However, penalties for misdemeanors can still include up to 364 days in jail, probation, fines, court ordered restitution, drug/ alcohol treatment programs and various other conditions depending on the nature of the misdemeanor charge(s). Judges and prosecutors also can “stack” charges consecutively meaning, if you are charged with five first degree misdemeanor counts you could potentially face a sentence of up to five years in prison. Although not as consequential as felony convictions, a conviction for a misdemeanor charge may still have a serious impact on your life and liberties, especially if the conviction is for domestic battery. When facing a misdemeanor charge, the assistance of an experienced misdemeanor trial attorney can make all the difference. Common Misdemeanors We Handle: AssaultBattery Carrying a Concealed WeaponContracting Without a LicenseContributing to the Delinquency of a MinorCriminal Mischief (under $1,000.00)Culpable Negligence Disorderly ConductDisorderly Intoxication Loitering and ProwlingObscene and Harassing Phone CallsPetit TheftPossession of CannabisPossession Drug ParaphernaliaProstitution Resisting Without Violence/Obstruction StalkingTrespass/Trespass After Warning Violation of Pretrial Release Conditions Violation of Injunction Wildlife Violations Worthless Checks